הורים ומשפחות
"Nirit has been a trusted and treasured resource over my twelve years navigating the (often challenging) world of learning differences on behalf of my child. I still remember my heart-felt relief after our first meeting, finding someone who offered support, attunement, as well as informed, thoughtful guidance. In the years since I've sought Nirit's help at every important juncture in our journey. She is impressively connected and up-to-date in the field, which gives clients access to the most useful information. With her sensitivity combined with knowledge, Nirit offers a welcome, strength-based approach. For concerned families, she's a genuine help and skillful ally."
AW, parent of a 16 year old
"I like this type of therapy. It isn’t like other types of therapy when you just tell the therapists about what’s going on in your life. This therapy is about training your brain to be stronger and learning things and having a little fun."
“You should put it on your business card”
SN, 9-year-old client
"Nirit worked hard to help me determine my child’s needs and most importantly how to work with our school to get those needs met. It was a complicated situation and Nirit took the time to walk me through step by step. Her expertise and care were invaluable. I finally felt that someone understood my child and gave me a roadmap to help her succeed!"
Parent of an 11 year old (LMFT Specializing in Teens & Families)
"I had a great experience working with Nirit! Nirit has a great heart and she really cares about my daughter. She helped me with a multi-sensory approach reading with my daughter. She is extremely patient. She also helped us in meeting with teachers in the school setting. She is a great communicator with teachers and school as well."
Karen, parent of a 13 years old
"We came to Nirit for help with our at the time 5-year-old boy. Reaching out to her was one of the best decisions we have ever made towards benefiting us and our son. The struggle we were having with our son’s behavior was beginning to take a toll on us. Nirit helped give us the tools to help our son navigate through his complicated world. She opened our eyes as to how his brain truly works and for that, I am also grateful. We still use the tools given to us on a daily basis. Thank you."
Parent of a 7 years old
"Nirit is our absolute caring, skillful, trusted and supportive professional. Nirit is escorting us from the early days of ADHD diagnosis. Since we were new to the school and district systems, we did not know what to expect, what should we ask for, and how to navigate through the somehow complex policies. Nirit worked with us gradually, explaining to us what to expect in each step, and learned in depth about our son and about us. We truly felt we work as a team and we can count on Nirit's experience and support. Nirit spent the time meeting the school staff, make the required reports and observations, and even guide the teacher with the tools that can best support our son's needs.
On top of the top professional experience, Nirit is a warm, friendly and caring person and we enjoy meeting her. We would love to recommend Nirit to others also offline."
Gershon, father of a 10 years old son
"Nirit provided valuable advice that helped us navigate my daughter's transition to high school. This included educating all of us about ADHD and helping us secure accommodations at school and develop routines at home that made school and life less overwhelming. My daughter especially appreciated Nirit's kindness and sincere interest in her well-being and future success. I particularly appreciate that she helped me to become a more knowledgeable and skillful advocate for my daughter"
Pamela E. Parent of a 16-year-old
"When I felt that additional time in the mainstream environment was appropriate, Nirit helped me build a presentation for my son's IEP team. Getting her input upfront and her feedback as I created the materials was time well spent. She had amazing ideas that made the presentation more persuasive and complete.
Nirit built a support plan that enabled my son to succeed in a 3rd grade Hebrew school class with the help of a classroom aide. She updated that plan for his fourth-grade year and by fifth grade, he was participating in the classroom with no aide and no problems. I credit this success to Nirit's keen sense of what support is needed to ensure success as well as what independence a child is capable of."
PR Parent of a 10-year-old
"Working with Nirit has had a profound impact on my well-being. She has guided me in finding balance and focus by shedding light on the little pieces of life that weigh on me, exposing me to practical simple-to-follow coping tools, and motivating me to appreciate and strengthen my core abilities. Most importantly, Nirit taught me the art of getting back on the horse (with pride!) once you've stumbled. Her contagious energy lies in her heartfelt positivity and uncompromising belief in growth."
Lia A., adult client
"When I met Nirit, I was feeling stuck and perpetually helpless to accomplish even the smallest goals in my adult life. Some weeks, I would look back and not be able to name a single personal or professional goal I completed. I was in a constant loop of procrastinating and forgetting important things I needed to do. And as an adult, those choices have real and lasting consequences, which I’ve unfortunately experienced. I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult but never sought specialized counseling for it beyond general therapy. That left me floundering with zero tools to help myself manage my neurodivergent brain. My brain felt like a black box.
Working with Nirit has helped me understand so much about the unique way ADHD affects my brain and how to accommodate it to achieve more out of my life. It has changed my approach to everything. There are so many strategies and tools that help me get a jump on tasks, both big and small, that have historically overwhelmed me. A simple mnemonic device now reminds me to handle brief, important tasks immediately rather than procrastinate and forget about them. I’m now able to tackle large, nebulous tasks that used to paralyze me. It’s all been a huge benefit to my career and a major contributing factor to the promotion I earned very recently. I finally feel like I’m capable of managing and leading projects on my own. In my personal life, I feel much more comfortable with planning complicated things like vacation travel which I used to absolutely dread. I’m now even the one pulling together collaborative documents and drawing up itineraries for group trips. This has been great for my personal life and my relationships. I’ve also learned to accept the limitations of my ADHD brain and to be kind to myself in moments of frustration when things are just not going the way I want. ADHD will always be a daily challenge for me with its ups and downs, but I’ve built up my confidence over the last few years by taking on my most difficult ADHD challenges with Nirit and developing tools and strategies for them. I’m now at a point where I believe in my ability to achieve again. The feeling is priceless.
Nirit has brought warmth, understanding, positivity, and constructive feedback to every session we’ve had. She’s been fully invested in my success. If anything I’ve written has resonated with you, I encourage you to reach out to her. It could be life-changing."
DM, Adult client
"Coaching has been very helpful for me. I learned how to prioritize tasks, which has helped me manage my procrastination tendencies. I also improved my task organization skills and learned how and when to ask for help."
PK - College student
"How have I benefited from coaching?
I’ve gained a deeper understanding of myself: What kinds of behaviors to expect, tricks for getting myself back on track, and potential blockers to anticipate.
I’ve become more generous with myself: More self-compassion and a more supportive attitude towards myself—remembering to take time to celebrate and honor the little wins along the way.
My relationship has improved: My partner consistently recognizes the progress that is being made. I am (slowly) learning to trust myself: Even though it can be astounding, I am finding that I am capable of accomplishing things I set my mind to. Sometimes, I even go beyond what is required of me."
TB - Adult client
"Coaching with Nirit has benefited me in many ways. My project management skills have noticeably improved and allowed me to be more of a leader (my co-worker even commented on this). The new strategies and tools have really helped motivate me to avoid procrastination both on small, urgent tasks and on larger projects.
I’m kinder to myself when things don’t go as I plan them."
MD adult client
"I had the privilege of working with Nirit. She assisted me in finding effective ways to be more productive and stay organized. I can now use a very efficient planner that Nirit found and helped me learn to use. I love being able to check items off of my To Do list. There are many challenges that come with ADHD. Nirit taught me to adopt different life skills and hacks to live with and work around them."
CA - Adult client
"בתנו צריכה תמיכה בבי״ס ולקראת המעבר לארה״ב התחלנו ללמוד על התמיכה שניתן לקבל בבי״ס הציבורים. קראנו על מושגים כמו IEP או 504 אבל מהר מאוד היה לנו ברור שיש הרבה זכויות אבל זה לא טריוויאלי להנות מהן - ככה הגענו לעבוד עם נירית. נירית עזרה לנו לנווט בסבך ההגדרות והבירוקרטיה, הדריכה אותנו על איך לתקשר אפקטיבית עם כל הגורמים, ועזרה לנו להבין איך למצות את הזכויות שלנו במלואן (לוחות זמנים, מה השירותים שאפשר לקבל, הגדרת יעדים, מעקב, ועוד). בנוסף, נירית הצטרפה לשיחות וזה בהחלט תרם משמעותית שכן היה ברור לכולם שיש לצדנו מקצוענית שמבינה עניין! בסופו של דבר, בתנו, שבהחלט לא קל לה עם מעברים, השתלבה מצויין ואפילו מדי פעם מודה שהיא נהנת ללכת לבי״ס :) לא יכולנו לבקש יותר מזה - תודה, נירית!"
אבא של בת 13
"היי נירית,
תודה רבה על היום! הנוכחות שלך בישיבה עם בית הספר הייתה כל כך חשובה וקריטית, והיית מצויינת. נתת לנו הרבה ביטחון ואופטימיות להמשך !🙏 ."
ה.ש. אמא של בת 11
"נירית , תודה רבה את אלופה! 👑 אין לי ספק שעצם הנוכחות שלך בפגישה עם בית הספר גרמה להם לקחת ברצינות את התהליך. לא כל שכן ההערות וההסבר שלך היו מצוינים 🙏🏼 יצאנו בהרגשה ממש טובה מהפגישה בעיקר בזכותך! שוב תודה רבה🙏🏼"
א.ש. אבא של בת 11
"We used Nirit's services during our relocation from Israel to the Bay Area to help our three children adjust to the new education system.
Our ten years old daughter has special needs, and we needed help finding a proper school with specialized services tailored to her individual learning needs.
We started our consultations with Nirit before we relocated. During this critical stage, Nirit reviewed all the medical and school records and helped us prepare the necessary paperwork. She gave us a good overview of the schooling options and explained the US Special Education system, school placement, and IEP process. We felt focused and well-prepared for the transition.
After arriving in the Bay Area, Nirit observed our daughter in the classroom and provided valuable recommendations. She prepared us for our first IEP meeting and participated in it. Nirit collaborated professionally with our school team and helped them understand and consider our daughter's unique needs. As a result, our daughter feels more comfortable in school and has made good progress.
We highly recommend Nirit's excellent service! It was very helpful and made a real difference for our family."
Parent of a 10 years old